July 2024 - Member Meeting
July 13, 2024 - Member Meeting
Total Number of Full Members Attending (including proxy votes): 23
Quorum required 12 Full Members, and so was reached
Board of Directors Attending:
President: Dave
Vice President: Jake (by proxy)
Secretary: Brad
Director: Jason
Director: John (by proxy)
Director: Carlin (by proxy)
Note: Many thanks to Matt A for taking notes as the Secretary was unavailable.
3:03 PM call to order, made quorum
Board meeting Megan financials, looking good – 2300 surplus this year
Jason: Dollar menu joke
Dave: Tools & projects – auto shop, screw jacks, replace missing stuff
Board discussed budget and approved it
Rotary phase converter, power cables needed, close – allow use of mill and surface grinder
Jason fixed exhaust fan
CNC Router, software issues vcarve – profiles messy and vcarve 12 can solve, Jake looking into it and talking to support, Jake sending tool database to vcarve for them to upload
Toyota knitting machine, not getting used, get rid of it – talk to Bailey
Jason: New table for leather working or fabric for textiles
Prairie Meadows grant didn't receive
Ward: Grant writer? I know one
CEC (Community Engagement Committee)
Coverage going good, usually Matt, Dave, Ward, John on Tuesdays
Open houses running every week
Traveling artists stopped by
New members
Jeff Skallicky
Connor Sullivan
Voted in, unanimous
Don't dump battery acid
If you don't know where something belongs, throw it away
Reminder to email tools@area515.org if stuff is broken
Don't throw tools away, if broken email tools
Paint pens – can be used by tool area to paint pen their tools to claim their tools, on the paint pens, will work on a color code
If you see unsafe tool usage, regulate
Clean up days
Usually 3rd Thursday 630 PM
City of Des Moines, SCRUB battery clean up for free, if you're a resident 9/21 MEGA scrub
Bondurant or Grimes – might have to pay, schedule have to look up
Hangin' out the passenger side
Woodchuck, names:
Headin' for the hole
Des Moines Darryl
Tongue biter
Target practice
Nigel: 80w laser buy?
Bailey: Get w/ Brad
Meeting Adjourned
Last updated