November 2024 - Board Meeting

11/06/2024 - Area 515 Board Meeting

11/06/2024 - Area 515 Board Meeting


  • President: Dave

  • Vice President: Jake

  • Treasurer: Meg (remote)

  • Secretary: Brad

  • Director: Chris

  • Director: Matt (remote)

  • Director: John

Welcome New Board Members

  • Chris and Matt were welcomed by the previous board members. It was noted that their emails need to be added to the email list.

Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

Vote to approve the minutes of the October board meeting

Yes: 7

No: 0

Result: Passed


  • Meg looked into the missing checks from the Science Center and emailed them asking for more information.

  • Brad put the wrong Financials document in the October Member Meeting notes.

Current Members: 78

  • Brad emailed members asking for them to submit passport-like photos of themselves to be added to the Current Members database. He also put the request on the Google Group and Slack. As of meeting time, 12 members have responded so far.

    • It was decided that whichever board member makes a key for a new member, that board member should also take the new member's picture.

    • John said he would add the request for a photo to the welcome letter new members receive.

  • Open House attendance has been low lately

  • It was speculated that we should try advertising for new members. We're not hurting financially, but on a Number of Members vs Time graph the slope of the line would be negative.

  • A new member purchased a key for himself and a minor, then bought a third key for the member's spouse to be able to also supervise the minor while at the space. After some discussion, Dave said he would talk to the new members and let them know that, except for some areas, 1 adult key is sufficient to supervise the minor. As long as the minor wasn't using one of those areas, they didn't need to purchase a second adult key.

Space Updates

  • Matt A went to a meeting of the DSM woodworkers. There was talk of collaborating with them but there's nothing to report so far.

  • The Rotary Phase Converter is "mostly together" per Dave, although it still needs some bigger gauge wiring.

  • Dave has some stuff to order for the Auto Shop. He also still needs to order the finger break for the Metal Shop.

  • The chop saw in the Wood Shop is working again.

  • The Wood Shop Stewards started issuing parking tickets to people storing wood where they shouldn't be. This was highly successful and there is now more space available.

  • Dave made progress on his arcade stand in the classroom.

  • Ward knows someone who writes grants. Brad agreed to send him all the info from our previous grant application to give to this person. The possibility of approaching the head of Greenleaf asking for help in grant writing was also mentioned.

  • There was some question as to whether the newly elected board of directors starts meeting immediately (that is, the first Wednesday of the month after elections - aka. this meeting) or at the start of next year. John did some research and found that, yes, the newly elected board has always started meeting right after the elections. (In other words, this meeting was done correctly.)

Meeting Adjourned

  • The context of the following quotation is lost to time, but darned if the Secretary isn't including it anyway... "Brad's better than us" - Jake "You can put that in the notes" - Dave

  • "I had two people look over my work and say, 'Huh, I guess that'll work."

  • "Congratulations! You're not on the board anymore!" - Facetiously said to a member of the previous board who forgot about the election and sent an email apologizing for missing this meeting.

Last updated