February 2023 - Board Meeting
1/29/2023 - Area 515 Board Meeting for February
1/29/2023 - Area 515 Board Meeting for February
President: Dave
Vice President: Jake
Secretary: Brad
Director: Tom
Treasurer: Meg
Director: Ryan
Director: Carlin
Note: Since the regularly scheduled Board Meeting was only 3 days away, and a majority of the Board Members were present at the Member Meeting, it was decided to hold the official February Board Meeting right after the Member Meeting on 1/29/2023.
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
The Secretary forgot to send a link to the January minutes for the board to review. Consequently this was deferred to the next board meeting.
Tom has scanned all his receipts for making the front sign. He sent a copy to Meg and Dave, and will send again to the whole board.
Brad, one of the Laser Stewards, had been waiting to open the cash lock box in the laser room with the Treasurer. It was noted that he could open it in the presence of another Board member for the same accountability.
Current Members: 98
Recently added the wife of a long time member.
A group of friends asked to join on a family membership plan but were told that tier is meant for families.
How to Proceed with Mill Purchase from Ryan
We will ask Ryan how he wants to be paid, but check is the most likely route.
We will transfer from money from savings to checking in preparation.
It was noted that nobody at the member meeting reacted negatively to the mill being purchased from a member of the Board of Directors.
SHR Renewal
A member's SHR required renewing for another 6 months. No discussion was needed before voting to renew it
Vote to renew member's SHR for another 6 months
Yes: 4
No: 0
Result: Passed
Upgrades to Wood Shop Dust Collector
The Wood Shop Stewards have expressed the need for upgrades to the space's Dust Collector. All agreed on the need for this. Jake estimates the cost at about $500, and Jason may have time to work on it soon, so a vote was taken to spend the money from general funds.
Vote to spend $500 upgrading the Wood Shop Dust Collector
Yes: 4
No: 0
Result: Passed
Meeting Adjourned
Last updated
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