April 2021 - Board Meeting
4/7/2021 - Area 515 Board Meeting
4/7/2021 - Area 515 Board Meeting
President: Dave
Vice President: Jake
Treasurer: Meg
Secretary: Brad
Director: Ryan
Director: Tom
Director: Ryan
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Vote to Approve Minutes of March Meeting
Yes: 7
No: 0
Result: Passed
Old Business
The security camera system is working. The laser room camera is hard to aim but very stable.
No leaks in the roof have been seen.
No response from artist place to our proposal
Treasurer will for money from Carlin's knife classes
Treasurer will write up receipt for ISU Prism team
Current Members: 81
Open House attendance has been good.
Big Tool Buy
Not much has changed, we're still shopping
We have plenty of scrap metal for welding table bases. Dave said he will place an order for metal table top material.
Carlin is getting some nickel rod to repair the forge.
Concrete Pad
Carlin knows someone willing to pour concrete for just the cost of the materials. He will try to plan a work day.
Making the pad bigger was discussed so more people can fit into classes
Metal Shop Stewards discussed how to increase their communication. The possibility of a Metal Shop email list was raised.
Members Meeting
Members need to start signing the CoC. Brad will try fitting it all onto one side of paper (Note from the future: He barely fit the whole thing onto a front and back.) Then a pile of COC's to sign will be printed up for the upcoming Member meeting.
The possibility of making all members resign the Damage Waiver was raised.
Members should be asked for their phone numbers at the meeting too.
Space Updates
One member was suspended for making a mess in the autoshop and for using other people's materials.
A red vice of Carlin's has gone missing.
Ryan sent a request to Facebook for help getting us set up with SalesForce. Facebook said the request was published internally.
Facebook offered us some heavy duty shelving as well.
Dave would like to make an A frame rack for storing metal outside in the courtyard.
We got a couple new chairs for the classroom, and got rid of some older ones.
Jason might start some member classes in May. He'd particularly like to do some "Deep Dives" into some of the tools, with particular emphasis on cleaning.
Discussion was held about people not putting tools back and about misusing needle nose pliers.
More people should make numbers for the big clock in the classroom.
Meeting Adjourned
"The minutes were fine, the seconds not so great." - Tom
Last updated
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