June 2016 - Board Meeting
Financial update (Bailey)
Memberships still down
~ $800/$1000 spent on garage (including metal lathe)
Will be writing Tim a couple large checks for garage purchases
Need to post the chainlink on craigslist
Landlord relations
Got a key to the front door. Exists on the treasurer keychain (in the money pouch)
Garage Buildout
Need someone to head up the last few things to finish the fence
Clearing out garage of junk
Corporate Memberships
Starving hacker memberships update
Ray is going to open dialog with the interested parties
Crowd funding campaign starting next week
On contact us page, https://area515.org/contact/, use info@area515.org instead of webmaster...
info@area515.org will send the email to board.
Anyone in board will answer, as appropriate
Change completed
Charge for annual training on more expensive tools to support maintenance costs of tools and tool software (Nabil)
Each tool will have it’s own fund to be accounted for (to adjust rates to the actual cost of the tool)
Nabil writing up a policy to present at the member meeting
Disposing of vending machines - make em work or get rid of em
Do we want to make them work or do we want to get rid of it?
Bring up at member meeting. If there is no member interest in making a project of the machine(s), with hard project completion dates, we will dispose of machines.
Twisted Art hosted by Twisted Vine - June 21 (Tuesday)
Still need people to volunteer
Got a $500 sponsorship from Source Allies
CNC Training going on
3D printing group
Q3 Member Meeting (July)
16/17 23/24 between 10-3 doodle poll
If time: debrief of million cups talk
Member meeting agenda:
Voting members to full if requested
Fundraising update
Training charges
Mini Maker Faire
Garage updates
Last updated