October 2012
In attendance: barry, brady, davin, joel, nick, ray (via phone)
Grand opening
Grand opening plans were discussed. several dates were mentioned. the grand opening was decided to be held saturday, november 3 and will be promoted at both TEDx (10/13) and the tuk tuk race (10/28)
After setting the grand opening date, we discussed the membership cutoff date. nick suggested setting a cutoff date after the opening so that people could come check out the space and still have some time to make a decision or to tell all of their friends. it was decided to give a two week window before the cutoff
We discussed what is needed before the grand opening:
rfid system
website update
civicrm is throwing errors
the from email address needs to be updated
need board bios
need a place for documents (bylaws, waivers, etc)
stuff in the space
ray can bring drinkbot
tuk tuk(s)
random power equipment
legalese documents
member conduct
TEDxDSM plans
Joel talked to Alexander, he can't get us free tickets, but can get us preferred seating. He also suggested adding lots of graphics to the presentation, we discussed adding photos that we've taken so far, potentially adding photos from other spaces
Electrical updates
We discussed the need for MOAR POWER. we weren't sure if that was our responsibility or Steve's or if it was shared. Savin had a list of needed updates
the meeting was adjourned at 8:03
Last updated