October 2019 - Board Meeting
10/2/2019 - Area 515 Board Meeting
President: DaveTreasurer: MegSecretary: BradDirector of Education: BaileyDirector: Tom
Vice President: RayDirector: Jason
Also present:
Ward, Jake
Results of Previous Minutes Review
Nothing was found that needed to be reviewed.
One company estimated a full audit would cost at least $5k
It would enable us to apply for much larger grants, on the order of $10k or more.
Some grants require the audit be in the past year, so we'd only have a year in which to apply for them once audit is done.
Subsequent audits are unlikely to be any less expensive than our first.
Audit could be done anytime during our fiscal year, which ends the end of September.
We could try asking for a reduced price if we sign a multi-year contract.
Although no decisions were made at this time...
Bailey will create a list of grants we would be eligible to apply for if we do an audit.
Meg will create a list of tasks we can do in preparation for an audit.
Savings Account
Midwest One is offering 2.25% interest rate on an account up to $25k.
Pop Money Above Refrigerator
All agreed money seems to have been disappearing from the money cup for the last four months or so. Only $15 has been deposited from it all year. Options like putting in a lockbox or installing a security camera were discussed. For the time being all agreed to bring it up at the member meeting and generally be more vigilant.
The asking price of water bottles was also debated, but nothing decided.
Tool Funds Update
Tool Fund Totals:3D Printers $86.10CNC $130.79Laser $137.11Metal $57.16Wood $249.26Electronics $75.00Automotive $180.00Textiles $20.00
Current Membership Count
Front Sign
We already have a large vinyl sign with our name and logo. Tom volunteered to e in charge of getting it mounted in front of our building.
Bailey estimated $800 to make a large illuminated outdoor sign.
We will bring this up for discussion at the member meeting.
Member Meeting
Decided date will be October 22, 6:30-8:30
Topics will include:
voting for board members
Pop Fund/community rules
Front sign
Salesforce hackathon
Big project collaboration list / We can haz pumpkin trebuchets?
Bring candy (Note: Certain board members only accept this from strangers.)
Request help for updating social media
Ask members to send photos to social@area515.org
Ask for marketing volunteer (see below)
Ask for volunteer help for Snow Day
Space Updates
Members organizing a salesforce hackathon - set a day for members to come and help program a member tracking system in salesforce. Meg specifically wanted to be involved to help set up the system for accounting purposes.
All 3 lasers now functioning.
Jason purchased a nice carpet vacuum for the space. It was suggested we dispose of the Dyson vacuum which has never worked.
Marketing Volunteer Proposal
We could start contacting marketing firms asking if they have anyone that would benefit from helping us out. We could offer to elect them to the board, most likely next year, or possibly create a special committee for them.
Classes & Events
Oct 18, 7-10pm Frank will hold game night
Oct 26 - Pillowcase sewing.
Nov 16 - Felting class
Snow Day will be held Dec 14, 1-5pm. Numerous ideas for activities to do were discussed.
End of Meeting
"Poodles can fly, you just need sufficient thrust." - Tom
"I thought I was a weirdo and then I got involved in the maker space." - Anonymous
Last updated
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