November 2014 - Board Meeting

Agenda items

  • Financials

  • Membership status - how are we doing? What should we do to bring in new members?

  • Do we want to have Jeff under our lease?

  • The door-parts are actually on order

  • Plan for the garage

  • Bylaw review-example would be procedure for removing members

Call to order: 18:15 members present: Ray, Tom, Nabil, Sean, Barry, Bailey


  • rumors of 3 new members

  • ideas for recruiting

    • gift to iowa bike coalition

    • gifting to corps

      • ray has concerns about practicality, and fitting in with the culture - no vetting of the recipient

    • classes / merch

      • sparkfun plans on hold, need to decide what lines to carry

      • there were further concerns about the $1000 minimum, it was decided to go with adafruit until we know demand

      • another arduino class planned for Feb.

      • need help for website content

  • now that we're official, we can do kickstarter / crowdfunding campaigns

  • donations

    • tom has a meeting with his corporate "head of global donations"


  • tom mentioned we have refusal on existing space, jeff would prefer to sublease from us

    • the majority opinion was that the risk was not worth the reward vs. him taking on his own lease

    • sean advocated that expanding into that area would allow us to claim the middle area

      • vote to take jeff under our lease failed, but we'd be happy for him to come in on his own

Door parts

  • parts still on order, no further status update

    • tom will contact

      • if they keep failing, do we pass?

        • that would be bad as it may limit large tool availability - repurpose the current front room as the heavy area?

        • could we trade for the rest of the space?

Garage plan

  • security

    • contact emma from tikly about the sets from lovejoy

    • pallets / chain link

  • layout

  • needs cleaning

    • determine what's ours and what's not

    • need to scare off the oldsmobile that parks in our spot


  • cleanout

    • plans are afoot tonight

      • if the keys work

Bylaw review

  • tabled for next month

Actions for next month

review bylaws -

meeting adjourned: 19:05

Last updated