July 2020 - Member Meeting
7/25/2020 - Area 515 Member Meeting
Total Number of Members Attending: More than 13
Total Number of Full Members Attending: 12 + 1 by proxy
Quorum was reached (11 Full Members were required)
Board of Directors Attending:
President: Dave
Vice President: Jake
Secretary: Brad
Director of Education: Bailey
Director: Jason
Treasurer: Meg
Director: Tom
Currently 63 members
Currently 22 Full members
Secretary's Note: In light of COVID-19 this meeting took place via Google Hangout.
State of the Space
We're doing well, despite COVID-19. We have a good reserve fund. We estimate that we could operate on zero income for 10 months.
It's been hard to schedule trainings, especially in the Wood Shop
New Additions:
Vinyl Cutter!
Propane torch
On loan from a member: 2 x 72" belt sander and buffing system for metal
In process of setting up a cement pad in courtyard for a forge/foundary equipment
Textiles is planning a big rearrangement, may add silk screen printing
Danfoss has been donating a lot of metal tooling equipment
No new financial report
We are operating in the black.
Large Tool Buy
Plan to spend around $10,000 - money will come from savings, sale of Bailey's Dad's car, and Facebook donation.
We will be able to apply for more Facebook money in the fall.
A new Tool Steward meeting is needed to plan what to purchase, then the Board will get involved.
Numerous ways of spending this money were discussed. Including...
Adding 3 phase electrical to Metal Shop
Shop vac for Metal Shop
Clean Up Your Crap! - There have been problems with people leaving used oil which Bailey and Jason disposed of.
When you're the last person leaving the building, remember to hit "Run Program" on the AC so the space is cooled to 80F
Procedure when you find someone's stuff left out where it doesn't belong:
Write a Parking Ticket, place it on the stuff.
Take a photo of the stuff and post to the Google Group requesting the owner take care of it
If the stuff isn't cleaned up, after a certain period of time the stuff is put on the Hack Rack.
Small Project Plans for the Space
Jason is planning to write up plans for small space improvement projects. The idea is anybody can come in and do one of the projects when they feel like it. Hopefully they can be started in 30-60 days. Planned projects include:
Paper Towel Holders
More Storage Cubes. Discussion included mounting them with french cleats, using space in the hallway across from the Textiles room and in Server room. Jeff H volunteered to work on this.
Tool Instructions
The idea of putting some Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) sheets or checklists with some of the more complex tools was discussed.
To save space the idea of putting QR codes on the machines which link to instructions/checklists on line was also posited.
Putting the Tool Manuals out somewhere was also mentioned.
Code of Conduct Approval
Link to Code of Conduct on the space's wiki: http://area515.org/wiki/index.php?title=Code_of_Conduct
The text was reviewed and discussed quite a bit. A few slight changes were made to correct grammatical errors.
The word "safe" is an OSHA defined term with legal ramifications.
The Secretary will post the CoC on the space's wiki.
It was mentioned that we are looking to get our waiver reviewed by a lawyer person.
Vote to Move Members from Supporting to Full
Kirk Nelson was nominated to become a Full member.
Carlin A was nominated to become a Full member.
Classes & Events
Nothing. Because COVID.
The idea of renting more space was mentioned, but there were no numbers offered and nothing to vote on.
Jason is making a video to explain how to empty the dust collector in the Wood Shop.
Elections will be held at next member meeting. Bailey may not run again. Ryan R put forward his name as a candidate.
The heat and AC for the finished portion of the space was designed to service about half what it current does.
The space should plans to get an electrical survey done. Fuses are popping for no obvious reason.
Creating a suggestion list of space improvements was discussed.
End of Meeting
Fun Quote #1: "We've been social distancing from you for years, Chris"
Fun Quote #2 - made in reference to Laura who was holding her child, sewing, and participating in the meeting all at the same time: "Can you juggle while you're doing that too?"
Last updated