September 2019 - Board Meeting
9/4/2019 - Area 515 Board Meeting
President: DaveTreasurer: MegSecretary: BradDirector of Education: BaileyDirector: JasonDirector: Tom
Vice President: Ray
Also present:
Ice, Ward, Jake
Results of Previous Minutes Review
Nothing was found that needed to be reviewed.
Rolled over CD at same bank.
Jake will ask a friend about good interest rates, since our savings rate is so low. Nobody objects to moving our money to a new bank in theory.
Water Bill was $40.25
Tool Funds Update
Tool Fund Totals:3D Printers $56.10CNC $130.79Laser $137.11Metal $17.16Wood $249.26Electronics $75.00Automotive $135.00Textiles $20.00
Current Membership Count
The board read through and commented on the CEF application that Bailey and several other members put together. Our objective is to expand the shop to fully utilize its educational potential.
Help was requested wording answer to question 22
A Google Sheet listing all items we are asking for in the grant was created and shared with the board by Bailey. It included items, unit costs, total costs, who else we are asking for funding, explanations, and web links to items. Certain items like "curriculum" needed to be further broken down.
The metal shop was prioritized as everyone present agreed that it is the most lacking and also has the most potential. We requested funding for enough items to have 5 different welding stations, and can therefore offer classes.
Application due on Sept 9th
Women Membership Research
In the process of writing the application, Bailey came up with the following statistics...
Currently 24% of the membership are women.
Historically 18% of the membership were women.
Member Meeting Agenda
Brad will create an agenda and the doodle poll to allow members to select possible dates.
Ray has said he does not intend to run for the 2019-2020 term, though all other board members will. Jake was nominated to be vice president.
Should discuss asking Jerry to rent the rest of the space in the garage area, and find a way to share some of his tools (that he's willing to share).
There's a lot of interest in creating a second vehicle bay in the auto shop.
Should ask if anyone interested in updating social media for the space.
Maker Faire Lessons
We had a great booth this year
Bailey asked APEX to put us in line for hosting their interns again. Would like to have them create a new booth.
We should work on advertising the space more.
Should put the Area515 logo on the fresnel lens since everyone took pictures of it.
Should host a big Open House event to specifically invite people to.
Find a way to promote class offerings as well, perhaps include on the back of handouts.
Could also create QR code that links to our classes page.
Since Maker Faire is a family event, would be good to target kids in 5-10 year old range.
Next time include a projector for displaying our stuff on the wall behind us. We can drive it using "Window Display" program in a raspberry pi.
Should request members take more photos of what they make so that we can share them with the community. Photos can be sent to
Social media still not getting updated. Should ask for help at member meeting.
Space Updates
Wood Shop
Got the DeWalt & Acme tools in. Now have a wide array of 20V DeWalt tools.
All tables are now Kreg tables and are moveable.
Will get rails built for router sled
Working on building french cleats
Old table moving to laser room for the extra FS laser
Auto Shop
Purchased 3 ton floor jack
Metal Shop
Two new 20V angle grinders
Need new vacuum specifically for metal shop
Should install more lighting over welding table. Have fluorescent lights available at the space
Needs aluminum extension ladder
Classes & Events
September 14 - Grill and Chill. Event mainly for members and their families, but all are welcome.
September 20 - Storm Area 515 Game Night!
No September classes on offer yet
October 26 - Pillowcase Making Class
Should start marketing Snow Day next month
Ms. El Anyis
Would be nice to have a long term group project list for people to collaborate on, list might include "trebuchets" for pumpkin throwing
Caroline donated an old iMac
Brad working on an Area 515 logo reveal for videos
Nabil expressed interest in an AV studio. He is producing a podcast.
Jake mentioned that all the most popular maker spaces are set up with stations for people to work at, rather than common areas where members' projects can blend together.
DMACC may donate a Hitachi metal mill someday
Frank spoke with Jerry about cleaning courtyard behind dumpster for storage & usage
Dave is still working on the antenna project
End of Meeting
Anonymous Quote: "One day we'll all look back on this and laugh. We're not there yet."
Last updated
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