November 2012
Safety discussion
waivers, training, enforcement. How do you ensure only qualified persons use the dangerous toys.
Need dust collection system for the wood tools, and/or ventilation
Tool tag system
personal vs. shared vs. the space's. Colored stickers, tape or similar was mentioned.
Project storage
how to keep your stuff in one place and not hog up the tables, and still be portable/usable/convenient
drupal accounts vs. Wiki accounts. Keep the drupal "official" and the wiki free-range?
Shared spaces
respect other people's stuff, shared chores (trash, bathroom duty, kitchen, etc). General consensus: if it's not yours, leave it alone (or ask)
Discussed removing the playground, and what to do with the playground gate and the parking gates. They were tabled for Jeff's building meeting
And lots more general talk of individual projects. Check the wiki is always the answer
Meeting adjourned at 8pm
Last updated
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