February 2021 - Board Meeting
2/3/2021 - Area 515 Board Meeting
President: Dave
Vice President: Jake
Treasurer: Meg
Secretary: Brad
Director: Jason
Director: Ryan
Director: Tom
Also Attending:
Secretary's Note: Some members were present via Google Hangout.
Old Business
All liability waivers have been digitized. Some have been copied to a shared drive.
Security System Updates: Sec system reinstalled on computer and now more stable. Still working out some storage bugs. Will be getting 2 more cameras, one in the metal shop needs to be mounted.
Need to schedule time to run wires through wall to outside. Hole will be used by front sign and security system so need to coordinate
We have new WiFi access points, need to be configured
Roof Leak - no news
New space from Jerry probably won't be available any time soon
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Few reimbursements to do
Meg will check if proceeds from Carlin's knife making classes have reached the space. Jake said he saw Carlin send it. All that money will go towards the Metal Shop.
Membership Update: 75
ISU team needs a receipt for their membership
Space Updates
Ray is receptive to reclaiming his Shark Tooth laser cutter.
We got new tables and chairs
Front Door RFID reader had some trouble and wasn't updating from Current Members list. Ray and Caroline worked on it and discovered it was a problem with a new version of the one of the libraries in the program. Problem was resolved.
Dave will bring in a laminator machine for members to use
Big Tool Buy
On February 16,2021 the board voted by email to specify that we'll spend about $10,000 on the Large Tool Buy:
Tool buy is under way. We've purchased:
miter saw table
4 tables
CNC table and CNC machine
stuff for 3D printer room
some stuff from CNC fund
Still to purchase:
TIG welder
Metals tool box
Textiles room update materials
metal sheets to make metal tables for Metal Shop
we need a new laser tube
Artist Membership / Collaboration Agreement
The potential agreement was discussed and edited. Afterwards it was put to a vote.
End of Meeting
Regarding password recovery plans: "If you have 2 you have 1, and if you have 1 you have none."
Last updated