November 2023 - Board Meeting
11/01/2023 - Area 515 Board Meeting
11/01/2023 - Area 515 Board Meeting
President: Dave
Vice President: Jake
Treasurer: Meg (remotely)
Secretary: Brad (remotely)
Director: John
Director: Jason
Director: Carlin
Note: Carlin gave his vote to Dave by proxy.
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Vote to approve minutes of October Board Meeting
Yes: 7
No: 0
Result: Passed
SHR Renewal
A member requested their SHR be renewed, after discussion it was voted on.
Vote to renew member's SHR
Yes: 7
No: 0
Result: Passed
The set price of $0.50 per pop can no longer covers the cost of each pop. It was decided that prices would not be raised until after there was a way to pay with PayPal or VenMo.
The Investment Committee needs to meet again. It consists of Jake, Ryan and Meg. Jake and Meg agreed to set a date for the next IC meeting once this board meeting concluded.
During the Building Committee discussion (the contents of which are separated out below) the conversation came to the topic of what kind of new space we can afford. Our current accommodations are an excellent value; rent will cost much more anywhere else we go. In order to know how much we can afford every month, we need to have a better overview of our monthly and annual budget. The biggest question mark regarding that, is tool spending and upkeep.
In the past, we've never had a year of net loss.
As an organization, we're really not in a place to look at buying a location so renting is our only option.
Meg volunteered to run a few scenarios and see what kind of financial numbers are yielded. However, it was pointed out that our membership numbers will likely change following the rate increase at the beginning of 2024. We should wait and see how many members we lose before running scenarios.
Tool Area Financials
The importance of having a budget for each of the tool areas was discussed. The budget should be based on the cost of both consumables and maintenace in each area and how many members regularly use each area.
A Tool Steward meeting was proposed, the nearest time it could be scheduled is in January.
Plan to Implement Membership Dues Increase
Jake and Meg will work together to update the membership fees on PayPal and the links to purchase memberships on our website.
Brad will write to notify all members of the coming price increase.
Building Committee
Jason volunteered to join the building committee
Some possible leads on new locations were discussed but nothing definitive.
Typically we pay our rent 1 month in advance. Some discussion of our rent payment procedures came up.
Although our landlord has suggested nothing of the kind, it was discussed what we would do if forced to move into a smaller location. At present, we don't use our space very efficiently. We could find ways to consolidate it into a smaller footprint.
It was said, "broken equipment is worse than no equipment."
It was also suggested we might get more members if we have a bigger, better laser cutter.
Christine Clark, business coach, will have her third and final presentation on November 11.
Current Members: 102
The plastic vacuum former should probably get finished one of these decades. From time to time, a person has taken up the cause and finished significant portions of it. All it needs now is a primary power cord, some tweaks for safety, and appropriate warning stickers. Jason has said he will practice running it for awhile before training any members. It will run off a 50 amp 220V line.
The Full Spectrum lasers, which were non-functional, have been upgraded to functional! Major thanks to member Jeff S who found a work around to the print driver problem. No material progress has been made finding a new laser.
CEC members John and Kevin normally give the tours during Open House nights. They will be gone the week after Thanksgiving so other members will need to fill in.
The November Space Work Day was moved into early December since it fell so close to Thanksgiving. Dave will keep sending personal invites to people since it has been so successful boosting attendance.
The space received an email from a touring Upholstery person wanting to give classes. John said he would try contacting her.
Meeting Adjourned
"Brad really has a way with words." "4 letter ones particularly."
Board member 1: "I'm not a moron!" Board member 2 *looks straight at the Secretary*: "Be sure to put "moron" in quotes."
Last updated