March 2021 - Board Meeting

3/3/2021 - Area 515 Board Meeting


  • President: Dave

  • Vice President: Jake

  • Secretary: Brad

  • Director: Jason

  • Director: Ryan

  • Director: Tom


  • Treasurer: Meg

Old Business

  • Security System Updates: System is no longer crashing. Dave may switch system to a bigger computer soon

  • Hole-in-wall for electricity to outdoor sign: Agreed hole should be made on a work day after all the ice has melted. In addition to electricity for outdoor sign and overhead light, an outdoor security camera will run through the hole. Might be good to make another hole for a laser exhaust on that day (Secretary's Note: 3rd laser cutter was removed a few weeks after this meeting.)

  • Roof Leak - no news

  • New space from Jerry probably won't be available any time soon

  • No idea if ISU team still needs membership receipt, will ask Meg

  • No idea if money from knife making classes has hit our accounts, will ask Meg

  • No movement on Salesforce

Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

   Vote to approve minutes from February board meeting.
   In Favor: 6
   Opposed: 0
   Result: PASSED.

Membership Update: 77

  • A lot of people attended the most recent Open House.

State of the Space

Big Tool Buy

  • Carlin was quoted $1800 on a TIG welder. That's full retail price so stewards will keep shopping.

  • Metal Shop needs to figure out what we're doing for metal table bases and tops

  • It was decided that a new laser tube will come from the donations we were given from making face shields

  • Still to purchase in Big Tool Buy:

    • TIG welder

    • Metals tool box

    • metal sheets to make metal tables for Metal Shop

    • Textiles room update materials

Donations from Face Shields

  • We have about $700 in donations from when we were making Face Shields last year. At the time our website said that any extra money would go towards fighting COVID and/or a worthy medical cause. The Secretary suggested Primary Health Care Iowa [(] as a worthy medical cause that would also help in the fight against COVID.

  • It was agreed that this money should first be used to purchase a new laser tube, since the lasers were extensively used in the face shield making process, and the rest of the money donated to Primary Health Care Iowa.

  • This topic spawned a great conversation about medical pricing.

Artist Membership / Collaboration Agreement

  • No response from Mainframe Studios yet, others not yet contacted

Digital Waiver Archive

  • Jake will send a link to where he put all the files so we can add new member waivers to it

Code of Conduct

  • We should do an email asking members to digitally sign our Code of Conduct since physical signatures from everyone would be hard to obtain.

April Member Meeting

  • Will be held on April 17, 2-4pm

End of Meeting

  • "I wouldn't want her job. You wouldn't want me doing her job." "It's a win-win!" - random conversation fragment

  • "I would like the notes to reflect that you were late." - President referring to Secretary

  • "This is where you steal things" - The context of this quote is lost to history because the Secretary can't read his own scribbles here.

Last updated