March 2018 - Board Meeting

3/7/2018 - Area 515 Board Meeting


  • President: Tim

  • Vice President: Don

  • Treasurer: Meg

  • Secretary: Brad

  • Director of Education: Bailey

  • Director: Tom

Absent but voting by proxy:

  • Director: Chris

Moving Plans Update

  • New building owner has verbally reassured us we will be moving in, but there is no lease on paper for us to review. Member Dave C will communicate with owner again asking for paper lease.

  • "June-ish" is when we were told we could start moving in, but we would all like to have a more definite time frame.

State of the Space

48" Fan Purchase

  • Tim purchased the fan off Craig's List. He paid in cash and got no receipt. Since this situation is outside our formalized reimbursement process the board voted on whether or not to reimburse him.

   Vote to reimburse Tim $100 for cost of 48" fan
   In Favor: 5 
   Opposed: None
   Abstained: 2 (Tim was one of the abstainers)
   Result: PASSED - Tim will be reimbursed $100 for cost of 48" fan

Moving Discussion

  • Bailey mentioned making a stencil of our logo that would allow us to quickly spray paint our logo on our equipment.

  • Member Ward has volunteered to help inventory things.

Rent Checks Follow Up

  • (See previous board meeting) Our rent checks for the current space have started being cashed again.

Financial Update

  • Our bank balance is about $22k

  • Meg has not yet set up the $5k CD that was previously approved by vote, but will.

Process to more Rapidly Update Check and Cash Memberships

  • The expiration dates of members who pay by cash or check are not always updated in a timely manner. They are deposited in a lock box that only the Treasurer has a key to open.

  • It was suggested in an email that perhaps the Secretary, who currently maintains all the membership expiration dates, should also be given a key. The Secretary suggested also keeping an access log inside the lock box so there would be a record of 1) who opened it 2) when they opened it and 3) if they removed payments for deposit.

  • The board generally agreed that at our organization's present size it would be okay to have a second key - or even a third - made for the lock box. Since he was not present and therefore couldn't object, it was suggested that a third key be made for Chris to keep since he is also a check signer.

   Vote to make 2 additional copies of the lock box key. One for the Secretary (Brad), and one for another check signer (Chris).
   In Favor: 5 
   Opposed: None
   Abstained: 2
   Result: PASSED - 2 additional copies of the lock box key will be made. One for the Secretary (Brad), and one for another check signer (Chris).

Additional Moving Discussion

  • Tech Journey is interested in using our space towards the end of July, around the time we'd be moving.

  • Tim suggested that we pay double rent (for our current space and the new space) during the 2 months when we move. We'll consider this more formally in the future.

  • During the last move there was 1 day when members tried to move everything, but it wasn't nearly enough time. Several members agreed that we should plan multiple moving days for all members to come help out.

  • Bailey recommended that during the move we keep 1 person at each location to direct people what to take in what order, etc.

  • Member Dave C is heading a committee to plan out where everything will go in the new space. Brad suggested we coordinate with him when planning the move.

Artist in Residency Program and Art Show

  • 9 applications have been submitted so far, quality looks comparable to the many high quality applicants as last year.

  • The Education Director (Bailey) is organizing the committee to select applicants. Last year's participants will be at a disadvantage in the selection process.

Art Show Venue

  • The board narrowed it down to 3 possible locations for the art show.

    • Decades Event Center

      • Pros:

        • Free to use for nonprofits like us

        • For a fee they handle the bar tending.

        • Facilities are clean and in good repair

        • Plenty of parking

      • Cons:

        • bar tending cost is $25 + $40/hr per bar tender + cost of drinks

        • we can't hang anything on their walls

        • Space is already decorated

    • Barnum Factory

      • Pros:

        • We can hang stuff on their walls

      • Cons:

        • Their space is extremely minimalist

        • No readily apparent parking

        • They charge a fee to use

        • We would have to purchase and provide any catering or bar tending

    • 108 Jefferson - Our New Location

      • Pros:

        • It would attract people directly to our new location

      • Cons:

        • We would have to use the area that the owner is planning to use for storage.

        • An "event center" is a more hip-sounding place to go.

  • The board generally agreed that we should have the art show at Decades and pay for one bartender. We'll rig up some kind of free standing boards that can be set up in the middle of the room to hang the art on.

  • It was suggested that we try attracting people by giving away drink tickets.

  • Charging an entry fee at the show was briefly discussed and rejected. That was tried at a past art show that was very poorly attended.

  • It was also generally agreed that when we finish moving into our new location we should hold a gala of some kind to attract new and old members.

End of Meeting

  • Quote of the Meeting: "Crap has a tendency to expand to fill all available space." - Tom P

Last updated