August 2022 - CEC Meeting
8/16/2022 - Community Engagement Committee Meeting
Area 515 Makerspace - Community Engagement Committee
Meeting Meeting Agenda - 08/16/2022
Welcome Carlin A. as Board Liaison
Recap of Board Meeting from John W.
Set a SMART goal for the committee in general.
Discuss if we want to participate in the Mini Maker Faire:
Theme is Make: Pretend “Highlighting ways that makers can create a world, setting, or feeling that is not real or make believe”
Event is on September 5th (Labor Day) from 9AM - 4PM
Application due by August 30 for priority spacing
Plan an event for the Annual Member Meeting in October.
Goal is to try and get as many members as possible to attend, think of ways to increase exposure and interest.
Area 515 Merch
Open Discussion and Action Items
Meeting notes:
Board Meeting: primary discussion focuses on social events and community educational events. Want to focus on membership community building.
Mini Maker Faire: it is too soon to try and we will work with DMSC to be involved next year.
Ideas: Talk about having booth at farmers markets
Space Reset workday - Carlin proposed we have a day where we work with tool stewards to accomplish workday tasks as a space that normally couldn’t be accomplished in a single work day.
Discussed hosting Space Classes that generate income that the space could be known for.
Merch sales, selling at cost to spread brand awareness with an in for $10 seed funding
Discussed hosting social event at annual member meeting
Discussed use of Trello for event and project planning
Last updated