April 2024 - Member Meeting
April 6, 2024 - Member Meeting
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April 6, 2024 - Member Meeting
Last updated
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Total Number of Full Members Attending (including proxy votes): 13
Quorum required 12 Full Members, and so was reached
Board of Directors Attending:
President: Dave
Vice President: Jake
Secretary: Brad
Director: Jason
Director: John
Director: Carlin (by proxy)
We are in good financial health. Membership has been steady.
There have been no changes to our investments or our investment policy.
This budget was compiled based on round numbers from 2023, except that it accounts for the membership increase.
Vote to approve the proposed 2024 Budget
Yes: 12
No: 0
Result: Passed
This was discussed extensively at the Tool Stewards & Trainers meeting and the main points were brought up again. (Here is a link to the notes from that discussion) Members were informed that a committee was set up to work on the problem.
It was reiterated that the Tools sheet needs to be used by all Stewards and Trainers for tracking trainings and payments.
There was an email sent out to all members outlining what they've been trained on and what Tool Fees they have paid. Of the approx 160 emails sent out, 15 people responded to correct their listed trainings, and 5 people paid Tool Fees as a result.
It was suggested that we attend more events like craft fairs and farmers markets. The Valley Junction farmer's market was suggested, as was the Des Moines Arts Fair. The CEC would be in charge of this, but they need at least 10 volunteers to guarantee coverage for the events.
The CEC would also like to create some merch, like t-shirts.
Offering items through a print-on-demand website was suggested.
One of the members also suggested either a "hat press" or a "heat press" as a good, inexpensive option. (Unfortunately the Secretary had trouble reading his own handwriting at this suggetion.)
Another member said he would like to do silk screening
Jason also brought out the rest of our drinking glasses with our logo on them and gave them out to whoever wanted them.
On April 24, one of our members will be leading a preschool workshop called "make your own instrument"
The idea of participating in a cardboard boat regatta was mentioned.
Dave and John also met with the leader of the Greenleaf Group. The nonprofit organization that purchased the Whittier Building (once this organization's home). They are making it into a community center. They have some useable outdoor space and were very enthusiastic about finding ways to collaborate with us.
Wood Shop - The new & improved dust collector is working well. Their new planer, was working. The other stand up wood rack will soon be moved outside to the courtyard.
Electronics - The Electronics room will soon be adding an inspection surface plate and a dedicated area for stained glass work.
Lasers - Lefty is working. (Righty's life was tragically cut short when one of the Laser Stewards shorted out the power while changing the laser tube)
CNC - The Lead CNC has been down for repairs and improvements since December 2023. The machine is slowly moving towards being ready for use again. Jake and Caroline have done a lot of work on it.
Metal Shop - The Stewards did some rearranging. It's now more open and functional.
Textiles/Leather - They have a new leather sewing machine. Jason, Derek and Carlin can train on it. Pretty soon a lot of the yarn in the room will get thrown out.
Vote to promote Matt A from Supporting to Full Member
Yes: 12
No: 0
Result: Passed
Space Work Nights have been poorly attended. Since not everyone is available Thursday evenings, a second monthly Space Work Day has been established on the third Sunday of each month. The next one is April 28th at 6:00pm. Unfortunately, no one has volunteered to run it yet.
The idea of a required orientation for new members was brought up again. New members are now heavily encouraged to attend the first available Space Cleanup Night.
The idea of making attendance mandatory was raised, but not universally agreed upon.
"You can't hold people accountable for what it's not clear that they're accountable for." - Jason
A few last reminders were made to all members
The expectation is that every member spend their last 10 minutes cleaning up after themselves plus doing 1 thing off the chores list.
We do have security cameras to check who made messes.
Don't touch tools you haven't been trained on
Use the QR codes to ask questions
For Wood Shop users: If something isn't working right, try vacuuming the 5-10 gallons of saw dust off first.
July 13, 3-5pm
During a discussion about which sort of events we want to attend... "Our core group is adults, not children." - Person 1 "At least age-wise" - Person 2
During a discussion on how to motivate members on a Space Cleanup Night... "If the vacuum doesn't come on, the doors don't unlock!!" "Uh! Can we vote on this?"