November 2020 - Board Meeting
11/4/2020 - Area 515 Board Meeting
President: Dave
Vice President: Jake
Treasurer: Meg
Secretary: Brad
Director: Jason
Director: Tom
Director: Ryan
Also Attending:
Secretary's Note: Some members were present via Google Hangout.
Old Business
Waivers have been scanned, will get transferred to space's Google Drive in near future
Front Sign Update - Still on to do list, no updates since last month
Auto Amazon order - a recurring order has been set up. A Google sheet will be created to list the items on it
Security Cameras have been up and running for the last 9 days! Dave is planning to order more cameras for the system. Dave and Don are mainly responsible for setting system up
Tweezers were purchased and one pair was put in medicine cabinet
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
New Board Discussion
The board email list receives a lot of spam. We should probably try to filter that
Bailey has been removed from the board email list and added to the Tools email list.
We were in the black for the year by $7k for the year. Including the $2700 we got from Facebook
Membership Update: 64
Space Updates
We're not in a hurry to acquire more space from Jerry. Currently his orange Opel is there and he's trying to sell it.
Shun has requested a list of things we want to sell on ebay. The red engine hoist belonging to Chris is one item on that list.
Meg managed to add the space's PO Box to her USPS account so we don't have to physically send a check every year to pay for it.
Benevity registration needs to be renewed.
Large Tool Buy
Not much movement since last meeting. A spreadsheet with the items exists, but needs to be prioritized
Some discussed fear of buying a TIG welder that won't work
Concrete Pad
The pad has been marked out. Next step is to dig 3" down and pour the concrete.
Dave will ask Jerry about where to put the dirt.
Should need roughly 20 cubic feet of rough aggregate for an 8 x 10 pad. People will investigate best place to buy from
Members discussed hiring someone to do the work vs members doing it themselves
Digging the area will probably be the easy part compared to pouring the concrete. It's estimated that hiring someone to pour the concrete would be around $200
Classes & Events
No classes scheduled.
Since the Director of Education stepped down, there was discussion about making the "education@area..." email address into a listserv
Carlin offered to help with Tech Journey maker camp. The format is expected to go back to being a week long like it was in the past.
End of Meeting
"Be like Norm Abrams, you never change a bit you just pick up a different drill"
Last updated