November 2020 - Board Meeting

11/4/2020 - Area 515 Board Meeting


  • President: Dave

  • Vice President: Jake

  • Treasurer: Meg

  • Secretary: Brad

  • Director: Jason

  • Director: Tom

  • Director: Ryan

Also Attending:

  • Bailey

Secretary's Note: Some members were present via Google Hangout.

Old Business

  • Waivers have been scanned, will get transferred to space's Google Drive in near future

  • Front Sign Update - Still on to do list, no updates since last month

  • Auto Amazon order - a recurring order has been set up. A Google sheet will be created to list the items on it

  • Security Cameras have been up and running for the last 9 days! Dave is planning to order more cameras for the system. Dave and Don are mainly responsible for setting system up

  • Tweezers were purchased and one pair was put in medicine cabinet

Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

   Vote to approve minutes from previous meeting.
   In Favor: 7
   Opposed: 0
   Result: PASSED.

New Board Discussion

  • The board email list receives a lot of spam. We should probably try to filter that

  • Bailey has been removed from the board email list and added to the Tools email list.


  • We were in the black for the year by $7k for the year. Including the $2700 we got from Facebook

Membership Update: 64

Space Updates

  • We're not in a hurry to acquire more space from Jerry. Currently his orange Opel is there and he's trying to sell it.

  • Shun has requested a list of things we want to sell on ebay. The red engine hoist belonging to Chris is one item on that list.

  • Meg managed to add the space's PO Box to her USPS account so we don't have to physically send a check every year to pay for it.

  • Benevity registration needs to be renewed.

Large Tool Buy

  • Not much movement since last meeting. A spreadsheet with the items exists, but needs to be prioritized

  • Some discussed fear of buying a TIG welder that won't work

Concrete Pad

  • The pad has been marked out. Next step is to dig 3" down and pour the concrete.

  • Dave will ask Jerry about where to put the dirt.

  • Should need roughly 20 cubic feet of rough aggregate for an 8 x 10 pad. People will investigate best place to buy from

  • Members discussed hiring someone to do the work vs members doing it themselves

  • Digging the area will probably be the easy part compared to pouring the concrete. It's estimated that hiring someone to pour the concrete would be around $200

Classes & Events

  • No classes scheduled.

  • Since the Director of Education stepped down, there was discussion about making the "education@area..." email address into a listserv

  • Carlin offered to help with Tech Journey maker camp. The format is expected to go back to being a week long like it was in the past.

End of Meeting

  • "Be like Norm Abrams, you never change a bit you just pick up a different drill"

Last updated