February 2016 - Member Meeting
State of the space
We’ve grown and stabilized at ~35 members. We’re stable enough to pay the rent and utilities, but would like to continue growing so the space can afford more toolage, possibly a bigger space someday.
Space finances
On the edge of profitable, just in the black. Lower utilities have helped.
Need members who are still paying $37.50 to update their subscriptions to $40/mo
$1,000 from the John Deere Foundation, will use for the garage buildout.
Art show recap
Significant interest in our space, tools, and group. Would like to replicate this success with other events.
Future events
Kids’ racing? See Dave’s previous post to the list. Would need mentors.
Line tracking robot workshop
Woodworking workshops?
More interest groups and recurring meetups
Tim is bringing back microcontroller night
A 3D printing group was suggested, but no one would agree to lead it
Ham radio group, and offer VE testing?
Garage buildout
Need walls, need good lighting. Suggested we use fencing, and securely wall off a smaller section for tool storage.
Need heavy metal work tables
Move one of our security cameras to the garage
Marketing the space: What will help attract new members?
Continue to push photos, project writeups, events to social media
Send flyers to companies
Break room flyers to advertise individual memberships
Different flyers to advertise corporate memberships
Booth at farmer’s market?
Can show cutting boards, other things we can make, and hand out flyers
Free to register as a non-for-profit, if we advertise but don’t sell.
If we were to move to another space, what part of town?
Several votes for in / near downtown.
Noted there are many potential members living on the west end.
Last updated