October 2015 - Board Meeting
Present: Ward, Nabil, Ray, Tim, Bailey
Financial update - Bailey
Rent payments: Auto-pay broken. Management company not returning calls. Trying to get checks to landlord.
Bailey to leave checks (including signed rent checks) with Nabil while she is out of town.
Need better way to manage “in for $10” programs. For now, give money to Bailey. Long term, add to website and create reporting tool.
We will start putting leftover soda money into a consumables fund, to buy consumables. Examples could include PPE, toilet paper, cleaning equipment, saw blades for space-owned saws, etc. Specifically excluded are consumables for member-owned tools and equipment.
Safety efforts, safety committee update - Nabil
Emergency response - Tim
Tim will print posters with emergency info, how to communicate location to emergency dispatch
Ward will research whether there is a way to clarify our location to dispatch before there is another emergency
Would like additional board members to have Red Cross training
Bailey will get through work
Corporate memberships (follow-up)
Following up with several organizations; most will be in a better position to work with us in early 2016
Need boilerplate for contract - Ray to draft
Different-looking badges
Laser cut their logo, our logo onto the badges
Review the meetup.org subscription. Is it worth the money? - Bailey
8 out of 42 people who found us on meetup.org have come to visit the space. None have converted into members.
Will continue paying for another 6 months
Classes and events
Nov 21 - art show - where are we on this? Is it still feasible?
No. We have an art show with no artists right now, and multiple board members will be out of town. Scrambling to make this happen is not practical.
Jan 30. Tim will head up planning, but will need help.
Guest welcome / tour guide - Ward
Flyers are stacked next to the door, Ward outlining a tour guide.
Feedback from former members - Tim
I sent an email to former members inviting them to take another look at the space. Would like to briefly review their feedback for awareness and future planning.
Garage build-out
Dave to follow up to see whether the chain link from 900 Keo is still available
Nabil to confirm whether we still have a “Supporting Member” tier written into the by-laws
If so, the family membership will be implemented as a pricing policy where minors are non-voting supporting members. No by-law change will be required.
Ray notes we should encourage members to consider converting to Supporting Member tier if they are uninterested in voting, to make it easier to obtain quorum during future member meetings.
Ray to communicate to members
Will document as extra column in board’s member list spreadsheet
Waivers: Nabil will add signature line to waivers for parent/guardian signatures for minors
Last updated