August 2016 - Board Meeting
Financial update
Macbook sales - $2,250 in profit so far, potential for more sales
Membership dues vs. operating costs still neutral
State of the space
Still looking for larger funding
Tim met with Bravo DSM, led to upcoming meetings with Kum & Go’s charitable foundation and the DSM Foundation
Mini Maker Faire
Fliers need printed - Tim to do
Need generic biz cards - Tom to do
Need signs explaining each display - Don to do
Artist Residence proposal
Grant based intent to offer number of single annual memberships to artists
Would require participation in gallery/artshow
Front Window Gallery
New standards for what sits in the front window
Ongoing series of ‘Shows’ with opening events
Tool training fees
Actual, solidified rules & policies
Effective August 1
Annual budget
Voted to ratify budget proposal for FY2017
Annual Meeting agenda
Electrons - Electron a new current board - resistance is futile fml
Budget - PROFIT!
Mini - Maker Faire Report kneecap
New member vote-in
By-law amendment - Combine the annual mtg with the quarterly mtg.
Last updated