August 2019 - Board Meeting
8/7/2019 - Area 515 Board Meeting
President: DaveTreasurer: MegSecretary: BradDirector of Education: BaileyDirector: JasonDirector: Tom
Vice President: Ray
Also present:
Ward, Jake
Starving Hacker Rate
The board was approached with a request. It was discussed.
Results of Previous Minutes Review
Meg still needs access to PayPal, she has a plan.
NameSilo fixed
No follow up yet from Simpson college
Kreg Tools & 4H
Kreg is holding off on signing up with us until probably some time after September. They do seem excited to teach here again though.
They're also looking for more instructors.
They've had a lot of success advertising their classes on Facebook.
4H is busy with state fair so probably won't hear back from them until after that
Tech Journey
18 kids attended.
Space got glitter bombed... although they did leave a note saying... "Sorry"... written in glitter.
In the future, should schedule 3 adults to always be with kids, that way there's never only 1 adult with them.
Can use photos from event in advertising.
Tech Journey Interns
They updated the website, made improvements not overhauls.
Created a wiki page for every tool in the space, including the backwards bike. Each tool page has standardized headings for stewards to fill in.
Made 7 name plates for tool areas.
Website note: We should like directly to the tools wiki from the main page. Either that or migrate the wiki tools pages into Wordpress.
Acme & DeWalt
Jake's company will join the space and is donating to us as well.
With purchases from Acme tools and Dewalt, both companies are donating extra tools as well.
Jake created a phenomenal PowerPower presentation to take to future possible donors.
Financial Update
Treasurer has made a goal of creating tool fee report templates to keep stewards up to date with status of their funds.
Our CD auto-renews on the 16th. We made $35 this year. As long as new rate is comparable to other rates we will keep money there. Outlook for interest rates is not great.
Reimbursed Jake for half of large tool shop purchases.
Meg and Bailey are working to finalize financials for Prarie Meadows grant.
Current Membership Count
Maker Faire Update
Caroline is in charge
Bailey will demo etching press
Jason has obnoxious noises a theramin plus Ray's vacuum former.
It's a theramin, not thermite. Don't get them confused.
Brad wants to bring hot air balloon
Space Updates
Metal Shop now has tank for welding gas. Tank has gas in it, probably C25? Will need to get MIG wire for welder before hooking up tank. Harbor Freight doesn't carry this.
Brad will get band saw blade for Shopsmith to cut metal.
Guitar class coming next. No slots have been sold yet. Discussion turned to possible advertising on Facebook.
End of Meeting
In the middle east flights take off very early in the morning. Planes can be grounded if it's too hot outside; the air density gets too low. This year it got too hot in Pheonix and there were some flights that had to be canceled.
Always remember: Pillage first, then burn.
Some people in government intelligence are literally trained to forget people. I wrote this down.
Last updated