June 2019 - Board Meeting
6/5/2019 - Area 515 Board Meeting
President: DaveTreasurer: MegDirector of Education: BaileyDirector: JasonDirector: Tom
Vice President: RaySecretary: Brad
In Secretary's absence, meetings notes taken by Treasurer.
Follow Ups from Previous Meetings
Jason will add fundraiser info for woodshop stuff to Facebook after Jake sends make and model # info
One item already here
One item at Jake's shop
One item still in transit
We got $500 from John Deere
Bailey still needs to reorder soldering kits
Bailey will add PayPal buttons for fundraising
Metal Shop fund was -$20, but Dave paid $20 dues in cash so now Metal Shop fund is at $0
New Debit Card is here, hooray!
Bailey made, and Caroline attached, stickers to go on all tools for which require training
The image for this is available on google drive for any further use
Chris needs remit for 3D printer expenses
Capitol Crossroads lunch was successful. Lots of people took info.
Painting class was not held as no one signed up
Jyll is willing to try again
Bailey willing to advertise
Space Improvment Discussions
Discussed website updates - Can Waukee APEX do it with Caroline supervising? This would happen in the fall
No further info on SalesForce. Caroline met with Karisa last month and worked on door access.
Need to buy stuff for vacuum former & Bailey's stuff
We need gas bottle and regulator hose for welder. Brad contacted Praxair but no response.
Talked about member meeting.
We are missing Bosch router
People should put tools back.
Tool Stewards should monitor spreadsheet. Discussed ways to get current members trained.
Chris may get some items from John Deere, more to donate, like tables and tops
Will do "In for $10" for radio mast
Reminder to close gates
Bailey will add lift and Metal Shop buttons to website.
Upcoming Classes
Automotive class July 20
Jason to do guitar maintenance class in August
Wood Burning workshop canceled
Stained Glass workshop on 6/23
One section for Middle School
The rest open to all
New Metal Steward
New Person to Track Membership?
Big Nope.
Discussed having 2 weekly backups for Brad
=Who Should Post About Classes?"
Bailey will work on this.
End of Meeting
This humorous comment has been intentionally left blank. Mainly because nobody remembers anything funny from the meeting.
Last updated
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