October 2014 - Board Meeting
October 28th meeting notes
Nabil, Tom, Sean, Davin, Ray in attendance
Call to order at 6:15
Sean is fixing the website login issue
Sean brought up the fact that Bailey wants to have education@area515.org hidden a bit better
Sean to create info@area515.org to catch all inquiries on the website
Tom brought up a motion to file a quit claim deed on Whittier, authorization for payment of $17 to Polk County Recorder
Ray seconded the motion
None opposed
Grand Opening
Tom to send email to maker fair contacts
Nabil has other contacts
Space needs to be cleaned
Sean to send an email for project show and tell
Local Yokels to cover hours dourves
Nabil to follow up with Shop Notes Magazine about space layout help
Davin to create account for us.
Utilities for the space will be in the Building Owner's name, will prorate our bill based on square footage. Uncertainty about how we will get our bills, Tom to follow up. Have permission to move thermostat into our space.
Needs to be mounted
Davin and Tom have keys
Onboarding process discussed:
Need to have a process for associating tags with people
Need to have a process for revoking tags
Sean to head it up
New door hardware:
Purchased a new handle and latch
RFID and strike from whittier will work with new hardware
Need new door hardware for the north part of our space to provide an extra exit in case of fire
Garage Door:
Old contractor backed out
Terris is responsible for finding new contractor
No firm date
Have stressed the importance of getting it in before Grand Opening
Members only mailing list:
Tom brought up a possibility of implementing this
Davin and Ray brought up concerns about transparency and complexity
no actions to be taken
Hold harmless waiver:
Tom has taken waiver to Lawyer for review
Idea is to have "guestbook" that represents that someone has read and understands the waiver.
Want to verify that guestbook is leagally defensible.
Need to have a list of companies and contacts.
Tom working with his company to acquire milling machine
Tom is acquiring "new" computers from work
Ray motions to adjurn at 7:02
Sean seconded
Last updated