July 2018 - Board Meeting
7/16/2018 - Area 515 Board Meeting
President: Tim
Vice President: Don
Treasurer: Meg
Secretary: Brad
Director of Education: Bailey
Director: Chris
Director: Tom
Also present:
Ward M.
State of the Space
New Location Tour And Move-In Discussion
Previous occupants will leave the couch, not sure if desks will stay as well. Landlord wanted anything we don't keep to go to Salvation Army.
Second vehicle lift will be removed.
Bailey and Laura will start painting this Saturday the 21st. They will need more white paint; Tom suggested going to Home Depot with our non-profit status to ask about donations or discounts.
We currently have 4 physical keys to the facility. They will only unlock the deadbolt, not the door lock.
Contrary to previous understanding, the air lines for the air compressor have been removed. There already is an air compressor in the new space, but we will keep our air compressor as a backup.
The orange line in the the north side of the building demarcates our part of the space. Ours is the smaller area. We need to always leave enough space in that section that our landlord can get a forklift from the garage door to his area of the building.
Buffalo Wild Wings will donate lunch on August 4th to anyone helping us move.
The AC has a leak, but the Landlord has said he can get it fixed.
Tom and Brad suggested using the area above the rooms for storage space. Tom suggested building a staircase next to the air compressor in order to provide easy access.
Tim has said he is done tinkering with the giant Stratasys 3D printer at the old space, and a decision needs to be made about what to do with it. The options boil down to: trash, sell, or tear down.
Vote to Formalize Utility Payments & Terms of Use for Vehicle Lift
Exact terms of the vote were discussed, and while some wanted more definitive explanations of how long/often our Landlord has access to the lift, the vote proceeded.
Offer to Use 5x10 Thermwood CNC Machine
Reg has offered to let us house and use his 5x10 Thermwood CNC machine with some stipulations, including that he would still be able to use it, and that he would get some payment for any commercial use.
Discussion raised a number of questions, some of which included:
How would he expect to retain access to the machine? He is not a member so would he expect a key or would he expect someone to be able to show up to let him in? Would he be willing to schedule when he uses it?
Would he expect to be able to kick off anybody using it when he wants to?
Who would be in charge of training & maintenance on the machine? (Note: Brad eagerly volunteered to steward the machine!)
If a member makes something on the machine and then sells it, how much of a cut is Reg expecting to get?
The majority of the board is leaning towards agreeing to the deal, but all want to know the specific terms first. Tim agreed to talk with Reg with the intention of saying 'yes,' but also to watch out for red flags in the discussion.
New Space Wish List Review & Prioritizing
More Tables
People have more tables available to give to space, no need to buy more now.
Fire Extinguishers
We currently only have 3 standard ABC extinguishers. To comply with fire code we need at least 3 or 4 more extinguishers. Also, the laser cutting room should have a CO2 extinguisher so that if used the equipment isn't damaged.
Extinguishers are on sale at CostCo and Jake offered to purchase them for us. The board decided to ask him to do that and that the space will reimburse him.
In total the Board agreed to purchase 3 more ABC extinguishers and 1 CO2 extinguisher. Paid for out of moving budget.
Textiles Wish List
This was skipped because list requires updating.
Woodworking Area
18-20' of base cabinets
Board agreed to make it happen and that it would be a reasonable expense from moving budget.
Laser Cutters
We will need adapters to match the existing duct work. We can purchase after the move as needed.
On Saturday the 21st a certified electrician will remove the electric lines we added to the garage at the old location and install them at the new location. If any additional materials are needed they will need to come back to the board for approval.
Metal & Welding Area
Welding Table
Board agreed we definitely need this, but first Chris will check to see if he has one to lend to the space.
3-In-1 36" Bender, Shear & Roller
This has come up multiple times, no final decision was made on this.
Compact Bender
The board isn't even sure what this is.
Oxyacetylene & Brazing Torch
Was available at CostCo at one time, no final decision was made on this.
Board agreed to first ask Landlord if we can use his.
14 x 40 Lathe
Tom may know a guy to ask about donating one of these.
Flat Sander
No decision was made on this.
Angle Grinder
The space did own one, however it's no longer in the garage. Someone needs to ask Ben for its whereabouts.
ACDC Arc Welder
Chris will loan one to the space.
TIG welder
No decision was made on this.
CNC Mill/Bridgeport
Tom may know a guy to ask about donating one of these.
Metal Drill Press
One of these was given to us from Bearden. It's not clear if it was given to the space or given to Ben. It's no longer in the garage.
Front Door
Tim looked into getting a safety glass door but they cost around $1200.
The RFID system will need to be waterproofed. Ray has some ideas for that.
Hand Rail for Front Door - The board will ask Jerry if he would install one in exchange for the air lines being pulled out.
The rest of the Moving Wish List will be discussed via email.
Financial Update
We pretty much broke even the last two months.
End of Meeting
Paraphrased Quote of the Meeting: "So, will Reg want his old CNC back? because I have all the pieces."
Last updated