July 2019 - Board Meeting
7/3/2019 - Area 515 Board Meeting
President: DaveTreasurer: MegSecretary: BradDirector of Education: BaileyDirector: Jason
Vice President: RayDirector: Tom
Also present:
Ward, Caroline, Chris
Miscllealneouous Pre-Meeting
There'll be a water price increase from $7.27 to $7.49 per 1000 gallons.
Electric bill was $320 for month of April
We should tape up gap in doors to the Wood Shop.
There was a drip above near where the table saw is. Unknown if fixed.
It looks really cool!
Dave reimbursed for 2 air tanks for the vacuum former.
Brad reimbursed for new Piranha brains. The money to reimburse came from the "In for $10" and the rest from the CNC fund.
We are ahead about $1600 for the year so far.
Dave, Chris & Ward paid memberships.
Meg is having trouble accessing PayPal.
Tool Funds Update
Tool Fund Totals: (Does not include PayPal payments from past 2 months)3D Printer: $129.10Laser: $77.11Metal: -$22.84CNC: $75.79Wood: $146.26Electronics: ???
Follow ups from Previous Meeting
Need to update NameSilo
No one wants to take over updating Current Members. Interesting History: Originally, PayPal was billed through WordPress. Every month Wordpress would send a bill to PayPal for each account. When the membership price increased, the WordPress step was done away with because it was flakey. Now PayPal auto pays us every month.
Intern(s) from Tech Journey
Bailey will call Tim about making this happen.
Krieg & 4H Corporate Memberships
Krieg came to Open House. They are interested in teaching wood working classes at our space, maybe once a week, possibly Thursdays. They already teach a weekly class in Ankeny.
The details of our membership offer to them were discussed.
4H is also interested in teaching classes at our space. They already have the tools, and the teachers, and the advertising. They largely want to be able to use the physical space. They are also willing to help advertise any classes we hold that are school related.
Simpson College
We were contacted by Jennifer B concerning their Upward Bound program. No solid proposals were exchanged yet, but they're interested in doing something maker-spacey with their Upward Bound kids. She'll come to Open House some night and get a better idea of how we might be able to help.
The Macarena
Brad danced it. Oh yes, he did.
Space Updates
We should put something in to make sure the door stays closed between the air-conditioned part of the building and shop area. (Note from time traveler 3 days in the future: Jason made this happen with spring loaded hinges.)
Caroline updated the website! Kudos were given by all.
New drill press in Wood Shop is now functional and ready for members to train on it.
We have a third non-functional laser cutter! Its tube is cracked, so Stewards are thinking to install the new tube originally destined for the Sharktooth.
Brad made a new focus block for the Sharktooth. He needs to post on the forum to let everyone know.
Styrofoam cutter needs a more permanent table. It's currently on one that was stolen from Metal Shop.
Caroline set up the spot welder! It too is now ready for members to train on it. Jason also built a much improved wire rack for the electronics area.
Items for Member Meeting
Will be held Saturday, July 20, 1-3pm
Should list all the improvements made to the space.
Upcoming Classes
Auto class will be July 20, 9am - 1pm. $10 for members, $20 for non-members.
Tech Journey will be last full week of July, Tom & Bailey will be helping teach.
Guitar Maintenace, Jason will teach in August.
Sculpty Plastic Clay will do a class on this with 4H
Pillowcase Sewing maybe in September
Potluck Get Together organized by Bailey and Tim, scheduled for September 14th. The Iowa-ISU game is at 3:00 that day, but we'll somehow have the game broadcast here.
Maker Faire
Plenty of people willing to be at the booth for it, but we need someone in charge of organizing us for it.
Brad courageously volunteered to ask on the forum if anyone wants to do it.
End of Meeting
Dave: "Can you put clean in quotes?"
Last updated