April 2016 - Board Meeting
Financial update (Bailey)
Memberships down
$108 under break-even by members with utilities ($60/month on average)
Churn mostly due to understandable reasons- adding as well
We were in the black for quite a while
What can we done to add further?
Raised money from Arduino class
Pop fund essentially untouched
Landlord relations
STILL sneaking checks into drop box in the locked tenant entryway
Possible partnership with Gravitate (Tim)
Gravitate may be moving to 515 28th St.
~12k sq ft, Gravitate does not need all of it
Possible to share some common areas
Plan out fundraising
Crowd funding campaign
Goal is $1.5m for tools, building, etc.
Laser-cut coasters, etc.
Help creating prizes and giveaways for the campaign
Coordinate with event at Twisted Vine
Use GoFundMe - they take credit card fees for all amounts and 3% if goal is met
Raise money prior to requesting grants to demonstrate viability
Fundraising events
Beer / Art event with Twisted Vine - June 21 (Tuesday)
“Art with a Twist”
Need logo that can be screened with one color
$15-$25/person for custom glass, 1 beer and food
$1000 for 500 glasses - need 6 weeks
Set up on Eventbrite, Beer Week, etc. for advance sales
Need volunteer coordinator for the overall event
People (10) to serve beer, bus tables, front table etc. (Tom)
Tim to host technical training events?
Gravitate or WDM Incubator - i.e. “Test driven development” focused on professional development training
Membership drive
Sent copy for flyers to Andy, waiting on design work
Could mine existing list but limited upside
Need items that can be made relatively inexpensively
Ray thinking a word clock
Other people have offered to run kid-targeted events!
Tim knows someone who puts on events
Have a kit that the kids assemble
Offer $5 discount on all classes as membership benefit
Kid events haven’t led to conversion but they do keep their kids in line
Possibility of becoming involved with SCI Mixology Event
Member Meeting - April 28
Try and get people there
Vote supporting to full members (if applicable)
Short financial update/membership
Garage build out status
Discuss fundraising plans
Crowd funding drive
Art/Beer Week event at local brewery
Last updated