December 2018 - Board Meeting
12/5/2018 - Area 515 Board Meeting
President: Dave
Vice President: Ray
Treasurer: Meg
Secretary: Brad
Director of Education: Bailey
Director: Jason
Director: Tom
Also present:
Chris J.
DIY or Don't Expo
The upcoming "DIY or Don't Expo" will be Sat & Sun, Feb 23 and 24. They estimate 6-8k people. A booth costs $250 for both days. Booths are 10 x 10', but can go up to 10' x 40' if needed. Deadline for signing up is Jan. 1.
Board discussed and agreed this is a good opportunity, it's just a matter of whether or not we have volunteers willing to staff the booth.
Bailey will be the point of contact for this.
Review of Previous Minutes
Bailey renewed our Benevity certification at the meeting. It will be due for renewal at this same date next year.
Benevity payments (through John Deere) are not divided up by individual contributors. See second point in previous meeting here
Their payments to us so far this year:
8/31 - $1000
10/31 - $750
Stratysis Parts Sales
Only 1 part is left to sell.
Brad will help the Treasurer sort out exactly how much money was raised.
Brad later discovered that we should have raised $1,185.00, however $195 of that hadn't come in yet.
UPDATE: Tim has raised $1304.00 from Stratysis sales.
$990.00 (Initial sale of the entire head assembly) - This we have received.
$195.00 (bundle sale of the motherboard and print driver daughterboard) - Have not confirmed whether or not we received.
$119.00 (sale of the power distribution board) - Have not confirmed whether or not we received.
= $1304 total Stratasys money
Financial Access Changes
The Vice President is now listed as Primary on the bank account, the Secretary can only sign checks and open accounts.
Hardware Store Shopping Trip
Got solar panel lights
Did not get:
whiteboards (they had the wrong kind)
large fan for Making Things Fly class
Textile Flooring
Ray will still bring in the extra flooring he has.
Bailey got in touch with Rex. He's been really busy but is still willing to help us out.
Design Computer
Fusion 360 installed (although each user needs their own login)
Gearify installed
Upcoming Events
Snow Day 2018
3D printers are fixed up and ready
Stuff to be done in preparation:
Laser cutters will be fixed
Need to purchase more wood for laser cutters. Bailey and Ray discussed buying plywood in bulk $100 and getting free shipping.
Making Things Fly Camp 2018
December 27 & 28, 9am - 4pm, for students in grades 6 - 8. Brad and Bailey will be teaching it.
Tom has agreed to pay 25% of the tuition for any 2 kids from Tech Journey who want to join
Game Night 12/7/2018
Awesomeness will occur.
2019 Classes
Bailey has a great list of ideas for classes, at this point potential teachers just need to pick dates.
Jan 19, 10am-12pm : Jim Kraai will give a workshop demo talk about stabilizing or hardening materials using adhesives and epoxies via heat and/or vacuum chamber assist.
Soldering class has been moved to March
Feb 2: Wearable Tech class, with help from LadyDev
Jason's leather working class
Space Updates
Vacuum Former Update
Heating element has been purchased and is at space awaiting assembly.
After the meeting Brad & Meg will meet to order more of the parts online.
Fire Extinguisher Inspections
Our landlord has told us that he will inspect all of our fire extinguishers each year for us.
Some of our fire extinguishers still need to be hung up
Tool Area Updates
3D Printer Area Update
Ray has purchased and assembled the new 3D printer (aka. Prusa) for the space! It even has a handbook for use!
The Multi Material Unit for switching filaments on the fly is on backorder.
If enough money is still in the 3D printing account, Ray will look into purchasing Slicing software.
3D Printer room needs to be rearranged. Ray will work on that.
At some point, the lights for the 3D printer area should either get their own switch or be coupled with the light switch in the classroom. Right now they are coupled with the hallway motion sensor and routinely switch off while people are in the room.
Also at some point, a black out curtain should be placed between the classroom and 3d printer area. Currently, if there's a north wind and the front door is opened while someone is printing ABS the print gets ruined due to the sudden temperature change.
Laser Cutter Update
The Sharktooth tube failed after only 8 hours of use (should last more like 100 to 1000 hrs). Ray has ordered a new one from a different vendor, and old vendor has agreed to refund us the money if we ship the failed tube back to them.
Ray has determined our lasers are actually 35 Watts, not 40 Watts as claimed.
He has found a vendor out of California that sells nicer tubes with better run times. Tubes cost about $200 a piece, but they also recommend we purchase a $600 cooling system for the tubes. What we use to cool our tubes would not, technically, be called a cooling system.
It would be great if we could get a $1500 grant to install good cooling systems on both the Sharktooth and the Full Spectrum lasers.
Sharktooth is also getting new mirrors. Brad volunteered to take the old mirrors whenever they're thrown out.
Full Spectrum laser is having some major alignment problems. Bailey is continuing to work on a solution. It may be that its tube is not parallel with the gantry.
Auto Area Update
Dave has bought about $200 worth of stuff for the auto area, since it doesn't have a tool area account.
He is weighing whether or not to institute a tool use fee and how much to make it.
When that decision is made, Bailey can make the PayPal button for our website and then ask Tim to make the button look pretty.
Piranha CNC Update
Piranha router has bad tool run out. Brad ordered a new collet for the machine and is also looking for a gauge to measure the run out.
Tool Update
Some tools can be split between areas. For example, extra screw drivers can be hung on the pegboard in the wood shop in addition to their place in the auto shop.
Getting a screwdriver set for the classroom was also discussed.
Procedures for Class Purchases
Bailey purchased materials for a class that will be held in a few months. She wanted to discuss guidelines for reimbursement for purchases made ahead of time like this.
After some discussion, the board agreed that the space can reimburse teachers out of general funds ahead of time if:
the class is already on the calendar
the class is not more than a month away (unless the purchase is a really good deal)
End of Meeting
Paraphrased Quote of the Meeting:
"I'm behind on everything." - Bailey
"Don't call yourself a behind... that's our job" - Chris
Last updated